
Hobe, Stephan
Space Law
C.H. Beck
2. Aufl. 2023 / 379 S.

220,00 €

inkl. MwSt.

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Reihe: Kooperationswerke Beck - Hart - Nomos

Space tourism, satellite use, military scope or extraterrestrial resource extraction: space law is increasingly shaping national and international interests.

In clear diction and with illustrations and supporting graphics, Hobe presents all relevant legal aspects of space use on the basis of international space law and all relevant national space legislations.

The new edition
The 2nd edition takes into account the new legal problems resulting from the rapidly advancing conquest of space. This concerns previously unknown areas, in particular:
- Space travel by private companies
- NASA's Artemis programme
- Concrete considerations for the colonisation of the Moon and Mars
- Resource extraction on celestial objects
- Traffic rules for outer space.